Under the Label Summary tab there are a number of different charts and tables available:
Tree map
The tree map is a way of visually showing your taxonomy hierarchy, while also displaying quantities for each label via the area size.
Each root label is assigned a rectangular area with their leaf labels (sub-labels) displayed as rectangles nested inside of it. When a label count is assigned to a label, its area is displayed in proportion to that label count number and to the other quantities within the same parent category.
If you hover over a label name, it will highlight the label count and the percentage of verbatims that are predicted to have this label. The count figure, however, is a sum of probabilities. This means that if there are two verbatims and they both have the ‘Reason’ label predicted with a 50% confidence (0.5), then summed together this counts as 1 verbatim.
Tree Map
When you click on a label name it will take you down a level to the leaf labels that are nested within. To get back to the top level you click on the bar at the top with the root label name:
Tree map – 1 level down from the root label ‘Policy’
Top X highest volume leaf labels - chart
This chart shows as default the top 10 highest volume leaf labels over the whole dataset. This is also calculated on a sum of probabilities of the predicted labels.
Top 10 highest volume leaf labels – no sentiment
When sentiment is applied the chart will show both positive and negative labels. The top 10 is a split between the top 5 positive labels, and the top 5 unique negative labels.
This means that if the top negative label is already included in the top 5 positive labels, then it takes the next highest one as the top negative label and so on. This way the chart is always showing 10 unique labels.
Top 10 highest volume leaf labels – sentiment applied
Top X highest volume leaf labels – table
The top X highest volume leaf labels table shows the same as the chart but in table format, with each label and corresponding label count. It defaults to show 10 labels, but you can adjust it to show the top 5 or 20 labels if preferred.
This is also calculated on a sum of probabilities of the predicted labels.
Top 10 highest volume leaf labels table – no sentiment
When sentiment is applied the table shows a split of the top 10 positive labels and the top 10 unique negative labels.
Top 10 highest volume leaf labels table – sentiment applied
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